Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Excessive barking tips

I love watching the "Dog Whisperer" on television.  Cesar Millan really does some remarkable rehabilitating of behavioral problem dogs and it is amazing to watch, listen and learn.  He has a really good website that has a lot of dog advice from so many areas of topic.  Here is a recap on the excessive barking area of Cesar Millan's website.  Cesar Millan's stop barking tips  Click on link to learn more.

Cesar Millan's Best Tips to Stop Excessive Barking

  1. Correct problem and follow through.  Instantly correct your dog verbally or physically the moment the behavior starts and do not stop until they subside and move on.  Consistency is key.
  2. Stay Calm!  Haha a hard one for me!  But seriously, it does your dog absolutely no good to get all frustrated and then try to correct a barking behavior.  Your dog will actually "mirror" your energy.  Barking is a great release for frustrated energy.  Calm yourself first...then the dog.
  3. Stake your claim to stop barking.  Does your dog bark nonstop at the same things?  Whatever it is they are barking at, claim as your own. You are the pack leader remember?  Try putting yourself physically between that object and your dog until they stop and move on.  Be calm and consistent...
  4. Challenge your dog, mentally and physically.  Excessive barking can be a result of pent-up energy.  Simple solution:  Exercise!  A daily walk will help and if your dog is already quite active, then try something more challenging exercise wise for him.  
  5. Get Help!  If none of these techniques help, then maybe contact a reputable dog trainer.  Another suggestion would be to get some DVD's about dog training and watch them.  Here is what Cesar Millan offers... Common Canine Misbehaviors DVD
So hopefully you can work on that annoying barking your dog may do.  I know I now have some excellent tips to help me with.  Good luck!

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