When people make a difference...
Some people just naturally have it in them to make the world a better place by their actions. No words are necessary, just acts of goodness and kindness towards something or someone other than themselves. Sometimes you have to just wonder what our world would be like if we had more of these types of people around. When people take that extra step to help helpless animals, their actions speak much louder than words. Sadly, it is the behavior of others that put these animals in such a helpless situation. Gladly, we have people such as those over at "The Dog Rescuers" to be the lifesavers to these helpless creatures. Thank you to them all!
I encourage you to look through their website that is posted below, see the photos and read the stories. Don't turn your back on these types of situations that are happening right here in our own communities. If we all take a little action once and a while to help these animals have a voice and be saved then it will make our communities and world a better place. One step at a time, one action at a time.
Adopt a shelter pet!
Sign petitions!
Foster a pet!
Volunteer at a shelter!
The Dog Rescuers
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