As an adult I actually enjoy Mother Nature's light and sound show however I can't say the same thing for my dogs....
Last night as I headed off to bed I could hear the low rumblings of thunder outside. Within minutes it turned into a full on thunder and lightening show. Now I will admit I'm one of those people that let's their dogs sleep on the bed with them. In my house that usually means our two small dogs. Our Golden Lab typically sleeps on the floor while the two smaller dogs sleep on the bed. As the storm picked up in intensity the two smaller dogs found their way up next to my side, snuggling up to me as close as they could. After the next loud crash of lightening my Golden Lab hopped up on my bed to find a spot on my other side thus sandwiching me.
Unfortunately our dogs don't have the benefit of reason to understand what is going on. The bright flashes and the loud thunder will send them scurrying for cover and hopefully a lap to curl up on in order to ease their fear. As much as we may enjoy nature's show we need to be aware of how it might affect our dogs. They may seem like tough little companions but they can easily be scared despite how large or small they may be. I know it's common sense but when storms start to roll into your neighborhood make sure you bring your dogs inside. It breaks my heart when I hear dogs in my neighborhood barking outside during a storm, wanting desperately to get inside. Even in the house keep an eye on them. If they seem scared keep them close to you. Our smallest dog, Roscoe, gets scared easily and someone just recommend to me last night on Facebook a product called a "Thunder Shirt", a snug fitting velcro-ed shirt that helps to keep dogs calm during stressful events like thunder storms. I will be looking into those today as we head into storm season here.
So during these hot summer months, enjoy those afternoon and evening thundershowers but keep a watchful eye on your canine friends.
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